The Online Webinar Platform
Create engaging digital presentations with innovative, data-rich webinar software that brings audience interactivity and analytics together, in real-time. provides companies with an easy-to-use and cost-effective solution to deliver engaging audio and video webinar presentations to a global audience. With live, simulive, and on-demand streaming options, you have the power to control when and how your content is delivered.

The interactive interface enhances the viewer’s experience by giving you the flexibility to customize the look and feel of your webcast design. Interactivity tools such as, live chat, Q&A and polling are just a few of the features that keep your audience engaged.

Reporting is more than just who showed up; it’s truly understanding your viewers’ intent. Engagement reporting allows you to better understand your webinar audience. Real-time reporting and analytics dashboards give you the data you need to maximize the effectiveness of your programs.

Webinar Admin

- Launch your webinar to a live audience in under 60-seconds using a 5 step wizard
- Create dynamic webinar registration landing pages with simple web-based HTML editor
- Upload your own banner, presenter headshots or other images to your custom landing page
- Default setting automatically generate audience confirmation and reminder emails
- Schedule post webinar follow-up emails plus web-based editor allows you to create customized emails
- Copy previous webinars including settings and content

Webinar Presenter

- HD video webcam for unlimited video panelists to stream, present and interact with viewers
- Customizable screen views with movable and resizable windows
- Customizable interface allows presenters to organize the workspace to suit their needs
- Greater presentation controls with an interactive storyboard for slides, polls, videos and more
- Role-based access to presentation tools
- Enhanced question and answer functionality increases connectivity with the audience

Webinar Interface

- Switch out slides, change slide timings and adjust audio levels
- Stitch multiple speaker recordings together, allowing a single cohesive webinar
- Export to MP4/MP3; create webinars from multiple recordings/media files
- Timeline editing, delete a segment, replace single or multiple slides
- Trim recording “heads and tails”; add or update chapters/jump points
- Create media only webinar (upload content and upload/adjust slide timings)

Webinar Analytics

- Track all webinar usage including registrant data, Q&A, survey responses and viewing durations
- Gauge ROI by tracking registration and/or attendees by day
- Track registration by viewer conversion rates
- Create reporting filters to get precise data
- Download reports to excel, csv
- Setup API to 3rd systems including Hubspot and Marketo

Webinar Builder

- The ultimate user-friendly tool to easily adjust the layout, design and size or your webinar
- Create, save and preview a webinar with custom header or logo, color/text and your brand front and center
- Upload custom background image and the configure all elements to your brand guide
- Add components such as Q&A, group chat, surveys and resources and up to 15 more
- Build it one time by saving your own default pre-configured webinar template

Webinar Editor

- Switch out slides, change slide timings and adjust audio levels
- Stitch multiple speaker recordings together, allowing a single cohesive webinar
- Export to MP4/MP3; create webinars from multiple recordings/media files
- Timeline editing, delete a segment, replace single or multiple slides
- Trim recording “heads and tails”; add or update chapters/jump points
- Create media only webinar (upload content and upload/adjust slide timings)
Want to take your webinar editing capability to another level?