Enterprise webinar technical issues are no fun. You’ve worked hard to plan and promote a virtual event only for things to go belly up on the day. It’s incredibly frustrating. And that’s not even the worst part. Depending on the webinar you were running, technical hitches during a webinar can hurt your bottom line.
You can’t entirely avoid technical issues. The best you can do is take preventative measures and prepare to resolve issues as fast as possible if they occur. Here are the top four technical issues you might face while hosting a webinar and what to do about them.
1. Attendees Can’t Hear You
Your attendees won’t hear you if your audio is malfunctioning. Here’s how to resolve it:
- Unplug all external devices you’ve connected to your PC apart from your external mic.
- Close unnecessary applications, especially those that use your mic.
- Check the mic. Unplug it and plug it back in.
- Make sure you have a stable Internet connection.
- Check whether your webinar software is muted or has an issue.
2. There’s an Annoying Echo
Echo issues are common with webinars. They can be annoying and distract your audience from the content you’re sharing. Your computer’s loudspeakers normally cause the echo. Here’s how to fix the issue:
- Ask everyone, both presenters and attendees, to use headphones instead of their computer loudspeakers.
- If headphones aren’t an option, ask attendees to mute their microphones when they’re not speaking.
- Ask presenters in the same location to share a microphone.
3. Choppy Sound and Images
Choppy sound and images are some of the most frustrating technical issues during an enterprise webinar session. No one can enjoy the session when the video and the sound keep cutting out. Here’s how to fix this issue:
- Try to change browsers if the webinar software is browser-based. There may be a plugin affecting the quality of video and sound during the stream.
- Disable any bandwidth-hogging apps running in the background of your PC.
- Have those not speaking turn off their broadcast images.
- Check whether you have enough bandwidth. Audio and video will be choppy if you don’t.
- Use the browser recommended by your webinar platform provider.
- Stop all device updates that might be running during the webinar.
- If all else fails, try changing your Internet connection.
4. Attendees Not Receiving E-mail Invitations and Registration Confirmations
The technical issues can start even before the day of the webinar. Sometimes e-mail invitations and registration confirmations fail to send. Three things often cause this issue: IT departments, technology, and spam filters. Here’s how to resolve this issue:
- Check the e-mail spam folder for webinar registration confirmations and invites.
- Have everyone add the webinar host’s e-mail to his or her e-mail whitelist.
- Ask the IT department to whitelist the webinar host’s e-mail.
- Try to resend the webinar confirmation from the webinar registration page.
- Send the webinar room link to attendees manually via Slack, e-mail, etc.
Generally, you should send out enterprise webinar invites as early as possible, so you have time to troubleshoot issues.