
The Features behind the coolest webinar solution on the planet

Easy to use | simplified pricing | and no plug-ins.
Setup a live webinar in under 60 seconds using a 5-step wizard.

Yeah, you heard that right! It's about time you tried webinar.net.

Finally!!! A modern webinar solution

Webinar.net was launched in 2019, designed to be a modern alternative to the dated Meeting tools that are often used for marketing and training applications, It is a powerful, easy-to-use online presentation platform with crisp, clear user interfaces.

Webinar.net is the first online presentation platform fully hosted in the cloud. This architecture allows our customers to reach very large audiences globally without capacity concerns, and enjoy clear, cost-effective pricing.

Your brand is fully represented, not your technology provider. You should expect that users will be able to join presentations from their mobile device or desktop with no issues or hassles.

Mobile Webinar Interface
Mobile Webinar Interface

Choose from 3 types of webinar presentations

Live Webinars

Live Webinars

Nothing like a live webinar to drive real-time collaboration, hold open attendee group chats and engage leads 1:to:1. With Webinar.net you never have to worry about an epic fail because we are built for reliability.

Pre-Recorded Live Webinars

Pre-Recorded Live Webinars

Pre-Recorded Live Webinar is exactly what it sounds like! You can rebroadcast your live webinar over and over again. Or if you want you can record your webinar until it’s just perfecto, then schedule to play it live. Your audience will have all the benefits of a live webinar while you just chill and monitor questions and chat.

On-Demand Webinars

On-Demand Webinars

Don’t want to run a live webinar. You can easily record your webinar and publish it for on-demand viewing. Oh and did we mention that you can create an on-demand webinar and if you decide you want to run it live, you can take advantage of our Pre-Recorded Live solution. And yes, any live webinar will automatically convert into an on-demand webinar.

Live Webinars

Nothing like a live webinar to drive real-time collaboration, hold open attendee group chats and engage leads 1:to:1. With Webinar.net you never have to worry about an epic fail because we are built for reliability.

Pre-Recorded Live Webinars

Pre-Recorded Live Webinar is exactly what it sounds like! You can rebroadcast your live webinar over and over again. Or if you want you can record your webinar until it’s just perfecto, then schedule to play it live. Your audience will have all the benefits of a live webinar while you just chill and monitor questions and chat.

On-Demand Webinars

Don’t want to run a live webinar. You can easily record your webinar and publish it for on-demand viewing. Oh and did we mention that you can create an on-demand webinar and if you decide you want to run it live, you can take advantage of our Pre-Recorded Live solution. And yes, any live webinar will automatically convert into an on-demand webinar.

Webinars That Reflect Your
Awesome Brand

Not our awesome brand

The most modern webinar user experience allows you to 100% bring your brand to your audience. Upload your own background template or select from our cool catalog. Pick your color, font to go along with your corporate slide deck and logo. Remember that a well-designed webinar audience UI will give your company a great first impression. And webinar.net gives you all the tools to make that happen.

Want to see it with your logo and colors?
Take webinar.net for a test drive to see the customizer in action!
If you need a little assistance, we have live support
via our Customer Success Squad.
Included at no cost with your free trial. Crazy right!?!

What else?

We thought you'd never ask!

Here is the list (not all, but most) of the features you need to be aware of...

Icon - Webinar Producer

Producer Basics

Icon - Webinar Streaming

Streaming Basics

Icon - Webinar Screen

In-Webinar Basics

Icon - Webinar Registration

Emails & Registration Basics

Now for the fun part:


The webinar.net audience console is so highly customizable it’s insane

Do you want to
express yourself?

Try it now and see what you're capable of!

P.S. We'd love to see what you come up with : )
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