With means of online business becoming more and more popular, webinars are a new standard of internal and external communication. Internal onboarding, employee communication, informational conferences, and account-specific information are all examples of commonly shared information within business webinars and video calls.
Although there are many ways to evaluate the quality of a webinar software, one thing that it should have is strong data security. It turns out that a common way of webinar breaching is through attendee registration, with individuals not initially invited somehow gaining access to webinars as well as the information being shared within them.
It should be a priority of the organizer to take the necessary steps to ensure that all of the individuals attending are actually supposed to be there.
Here are a few different options to help support the security of both the webinar and the individuals attending.
Password protection
This is when the webinar organizer sets a customized password for webinar access and provides it to all of the invited attendees. Those who register can only attend the webinar if they provide the given password along with other normal registration details, such as their email and name. This option requires a bit more work on the backend compared to unsecured webinars, however, it’s an option worth taking to help the attendees feel confident with attending.
HTTP referrer
A great choice for webinars for internal communications, sharing a webinar through an HTTP referrer is an extremely secure way to host. The webinar organizer gives access to the registrants though a provided link, which resides within the assigned HTTP referrer location. This means that only those with the link can attend the webinar. For even more security, the link can connect to an internal network instead of an open domain. This allows only company employees to have access to the webinar even if the link is shared with external individuals.
Domain filtering
This option gives the organizer the option to permit or block certain email domain names from access to the webinar. The organizer can choose to exclude registrants from a competitor’s domain name or even from non-commercial email domains, such as gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc. Since domain filtering gives the option to restrict access based on email domains, the company has the ability to only allow access to those who have an email domain with them, making it another good option for internal communications.
The good thing is that these methods are easy to implement to ensure data security. And even better, webinar.net is here to not only provide the best in webinar software, but the best in data security as well. Enjoy a customizable, efficient webinar provider with complete confidence in the safety of all data involved.